Poems (Blake)/In Memoriam (Gen. P. R. Guiney)
Large heart and brave! Tried soul and true! How thickly in thy life's short spanAll strong sweet virtues throve and grew, As friend, as hero, and as manUnmoved by thought of blame or praise, Unbought by gifts of power and pride,Thy feet still trod Time's devious ways With Duty as thy law and guide.
God breaks no mould so nobly rare As shrined of old heroic men;In lives like thine, as pure as fair, Earth's golden knighthood breathes againAmid a world of sordid greed, Of paltry aims, of perjured trust;With soul as stainless as thy creed We knew thee strong and pure and just.
And still shall know, O friend beloved! Thy spirit holds no place with death;Our eyes are dim, our hearts are moved, But thou hast felt His kindly breath.So short, so swift thy pang of birth Ere dawned the heaven you longed to see,We bear the pain who wait on earth, But all the glory fell to thee!