Poems (Brown)/To Carrie
Sweet friend, thy pensive face I see In all my lonely wanderings;And oft I sigh for thy loved voice, As weary bird in prison sings.
I have met and loved thee dearly, And my heart beats with delight,As I listen in the twilight For thy cheerful laugh so bright.
In the summer's glad, gay sounding, 'Mong the woods so tall and drear,I am often dreaming, loved one, Often wishing you were here.
We are young, and life has charms And we know not when they'll fade;We are young, and seldom ponder When our grave-bed may be made.
We have aims in life, and dreaming, Wander listless down the tide,Towards Eternity's dark ocean, Where the chasm 's deep and wide.
We may part, and part forever, On this dreary, trackless earth,Where our labors will be over, And bright flowers have their birth;
Yet above, in yon pure heaven, If I first may meet the throng,I will listen for thy loved voice, Joining in the cherubs' song.
If I first may enter heaven, First be freed from earth and sin,I will watch the golden portal, Meet you, at your entering in.