Poems (Bushnell)/Once Upon a Time

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4493023Poems — Once Upon a TimeFrances Louisa Bushnell
Once upon a time, life lay before me,
Fresh as a story untold;
Now so many years have traveled o'er me,
I and my story are old.

Once upon a time my locks fell flowing,
Brown as yours and as bright;
Now so many winters coming and going
Have left them, you see, snow-white.

Once upon a time I, too, had a lover,
Gallant and full of grace;
Now do you think, dear, you can discover
Him in Grandpapa's face?

Once upon a time I thought it living
Only to draw my breath;
Now I've learned that it means a striving
Sometimes even to death.

Once upon a time I fell to weeping
If but my wish was crossed;
Now I can trust to a better keeping,
Even if all seem lost.

Once upon a time it looked so dreary
Ever to wait and rest;
Now, at last, I'm a little weary,
Resting awhile seems best,—

Waiting awhile, till the great to-morrow
Over the hilltops climb.
Joy is forever. Thank God, dear, that sorrow
Only is once upon a time.