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Poems (Campbell)/Faded Pleasures

From Wikisource
4690873Poems — Faded PleasuresDorothea Primrose Campbell
How happy they, who, blest with health,Can tread the flow'r-enamelled plain,Nor heave one sigh for pomp or wealth,Nor waste their days in search of gain.
The happiest of their kind they roam,From heart-corroding-anguish free;Their's is a humble, happy home,Oh!—had such bliss been stor'd for me!
Cheerless I see the sun arise;And listless mark his setting beamWith crimson paint the western skies;And still of faded pleasures dream.
Pleasures that never can return;Yet, ah! while mem'ry holds her place,Their rapid flight shall Ella mourn,And still those faded pleasures trace.