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Poems (Campbell)/Independence

From Wikisource
For works with similar titles, see Independence.
4690853Poems — IndependenceDorothea Primrose Campbell

I sigh not for the charms of pow'r,Nor glitt'ring stores of wealth;I sigh for peace in some lone bow'r,With competence and health.
I sigh to wander unconfin'd,Where noise shall never come,Nor Envy's weak and narrow mindDisturb my humble home.
Yet think not, that by purling streamI'd muse my hours away,Or waste, as in some useless dream,Life's transitory day.
Oh! rather let my active soulMy active hands employ;And teach my lips, where'er I stroll,To greet the poor with joy.
That so my thoughts may still ascend,And all-adoring rise,To Him who lives, my God and Friend—My Saviour in the skies!