Poems (Carter)/"Rejoice! again rejoice!"
I will truly rejoice, O my Master! For the fruit of the Spirit is joy,And the more we are filled with the Spirit, The more will He evil destroy.
For 'tis evil to murmur at hardness— What else can the soldier expect?If the Captain endured them before him, What ills can the private reject?
I will truly rejoice, O my Saviour! For the joy of the Lord is our strength,And 'tis strength that we need every moment, And joy will be habit at length.
There is joy in a smile that gives courage, There is joy in a word that brings power,There is joy in a faith that is child-like, There is "joy in the Lord" every hour.
I will truly rejoice, O my Saviour! I will radiate joy for Thy sake,That the sunshine may mellow the fruitage, And my world of Thy joy may partake.
Montclair, Feb., 1915.