Poems (Charlotte Allen)/Child at Prayer
Hush! the child at prayer is kneeling, Down beside her little bed;While, the twilight hour stealing, Casts its shadows o'er her head.
See those little hands reposing, Gently o'er that infant breast,While her lovely eyes are closing, Like an infant's, when at rest.
List! she breathes the name of "Mother!" "Father!" too, I hear her say;While the words of "Sister!" "Brother!" Are mingled in her evening lay.
Fervently her voice is lifted, To that Holy One above;As her little heart is gifted, To express her deepest love.
A blessing she is now imploring, On that guileless head to rest;While her spirit upward soaring, Breathes so sweetly her request.
Surely if the prayers of mortals, Find access to the throne on high,Her's will enter those bright portals, Though unseen by human eye.