Poems (Charlotte Allen)/For an Album
Could I but boast a Hemans' magic skill,To guide my fancy and inspire my will,To lead me through those amaranthine bowers,Enriched by Poesy's unfading flowers,Where the heart's sunshine gilds the mental shrine,And cheers the feelings with a power divine,Then might I seek to breathe my little lay,Assured my powers would all my wish obey.But since I claim no high poetic fire,To waken melody within my lyre,To teach my soul rich feelings to impart,With the mysterious influence of art;I'll be content with such as I can yield,To be an humble votary in the field.May all those gifted ones who e'er essay,To wander in the muses' flowery way,Feel inspiration's lofty, godlike power,Infuse celestial radiance through each hour. May pure religion all their thoughts control,And virtue dictate as they pen each scroll.May rich and holy sentiments arise,To meet the plaudits of admiring eyes.And if, in future years you scan this page,That now my heart-felt tribute doth engage,To cast one flower from off thy mem'ry's shrine,Is all the offering that I ask as mine.