Poems (Charlotte Allen)/Stanzas (They tell me that the fairest flowers)
For works with similar titles, see Stanzas.
They tell me that the fairest flowers, The soonest fade and die;And that our very happiest hours, Pass like a south wind's sigh. Like dew-drops sparkling in the sun, Like moonlight on the sea,Like morning mist ere day's begun, So brief our pleasures be.
As transient as the meteor's beam, Shooting adown the sky;And fleeting as a midnight dream, Is life's reality.Then let us, as we, journey here, In this cold world of ours,Where thorns so frequently appear, To mar our passing hours,
Cull all the choicest flowers we find, That 's scattered in our way,And treasure deep within our mind, The sweets of every day.Then we shall have a mental store Of bright, unfading gems;As pure as mortals ever wore, Earth's richest diadems.