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Poems (Charlotte Allen)/The Baptism

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For works with similar titles, see The Baptism.
4665410Poems — The BaptismCharlotte Allen

        Upon the ocean's edge,There was a gathering of many people,And a pensive hue had spread o'er everyFace, waiting the observance of a riteMost sacred.
      The "Man of God" approached, andWith him those who had given themselves toJesus, and had come to taste:the solemnOrdinance of Baptism.
      The gifted prayer,Uniting with the water's music, inHoly euphony lingered on the airFor one brief moment, and then ascendedTo the throne of grace. Heaven smiled uponThe scene, and with that smile methinks there came A blessing. In lofty aspirations,And I trust with pure and fervent feelings,The hymn arose with liquid melody,Mingled with the breezes, gentle notes, andOnward and upward floating, again toEarth returned not.
      Was there a heart amongThat crowd, which felt not stir within it, someInnate principle of holy thrill? WhoCould observe the mnteresting rite, andWithin their soul feel no emotion, orInhale no heaven-born rapture?
      And nowThey walk within the breast of waters, andTheir hearts enjoy the blissful feeling ofA more close communion with the High andHoly Author of their spirits. As ifThe sun was the reflected countenanceOf the Almighty, in humble reverenceThey turned their faces towards that gloriousOrb, whose effulgent beams, o'er each brow castAn unearthly lustre, seeming to impartTo each, a ray divine, a hallowed gemFrom a celestial casket,
      If e'er theSpirit of the Lord descended from onHigh, methought I saw it then in holyRadiance, illumining the placid browOf the officiator.
      Oh, may those soulsWho have themselves now consecrated toThe living God, e'er inhale from the pureFountain of eternal life, exhaustlessStreams of soul-sustaining food.
      The rite wasO'er, the crowd dispersed, and where is now thePleasant picture that in bold relief, butOne short moment since had riveted ourEyes? Gone! all gone! and like the morning mist,Kissed by the rising sun, no trace remainsTo our external senses.
      But can it beThat no impression lingers on our minds?There, there alone are we to seek effectsFrom outward causes. I trust that there wereMany 'mong that throng, who deeply felt theInfluence of that holy rite expandAnd purify their souls: and may the wordOf God, falling like gentle dew from Heaven; Upon their hearts, bring forth a rich and anAbundant harvest: "some thirty, sixty,And an hundred fold."