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Poems (Chitwood)/Bow to None but God

From Wikisource
4642821Poems — Bow to None but GodMary Louisa Chitwood
Turn thy face to the sunshine!Let nothing cast thee down,While Truth upon thy foreheadRests blazing like a crown.Look up! nor fear nor falter,Tho' a monarch press the sod—Soar upward like an eagle,And bow to none but God!
Cringe not to Wealth's proud children,Though robed in garments fine—Give not an inch! the pathwayIs theirs not more than thine;Let thy stern eye confront them,Bearer of hoe or hod,Onward and upward, everBow thou to none but God!
Look up! be brave and steadfast,Press onward to thy goal;Art thou not the possessorOf an immortal soul?Soul bought by throes of anguish,In the garden where He trodSoul, costly as a monarch's:Bow thou to none but God!
Shall thy cheek flush with crimsonBefore the world-called great?Wilt thou fawn meekly, humblyTo that thy heart must hate?Wilt thou bow to the oppressorWith courtly beck and nod?No! stand like some strong mountain,And bow to none but God!
Onward! let slander's arrowsPass by in silent scorn;Let malice die in darkness,It was in darkness born;Let Falsehood perish writhing'Neath Truth's unsparing rod,She is the best avenger:Bow thou to none but God!
Onward! and plant thy harvest,Whate'er the world may say;No serpent's hiss beguile theeA moment from thy way.If the way be very humbleO'er which thy feet have trod,Go on, with soul unbending,And bow to none but God!
No, never! while thy bosomHas a heart-throb within,Let thy free tongue be silentWhen the rich and mighty sin. Look up! nor fear nor falter,Though a monarch press the sod;He is but man, weak, erring:Bow thou to none but God!