Poems (Chitwood)/Love is Not for Me
I may win gold, its brightness With gems may deck my hair,Wear robes whose gorgeous luster Is beautiful and fair.My home with regal splendor Adorned may ever be,—It will not ease the heart-ache, For love is not for me.
I may win fame, her trumpet May sound my humble name,My cheek be flushed with triumph, My heart will be the same. The quiet hour will haunt me, Wherever I may be;A voice forever taunt me, For love is not for me.
I may be gay, my footsteps Be ever with the glad,And none that mark my smiling, Believe the heart is sad.And I may gather honey From every flower I see,As if my way were pleasant, Tho' love is not for me.
Oh life most drear and barren, Alas, that in my heartSuch yearnings for affection Like fountain waves up start.Alas, that in its darkness, Wherever I may be,This thought must still pursue me, Oh, love is not for me.