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Poems (Coates 1916)/Volume II/Index of Titles

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See complete titles index of Mrs. Coates' poetry.

871758Poems, Volume II — Index of TitlesFlorence Earle Coates


Ab Humo, i, 154.
Achilles, ii, 79.
Adieu, ii, 44.
Adieu, An, ii, 220.
Adonis, ii, 145.
Affinity, ii, 94.
After, ii, 257.
After the Paintings by George F. Watts, ii, 49.
After the Play, ii, 227.
Alden, Henry Mills, to, ii, 104.
Alexander III, i, 60.
All-Mother, The, ii, 140.
Alms, ii, 132.
America, i, 127.
American at Lincoln, An, i, 100.
Amor Creator, ii, 249.
Amour fait Peur, L', ii, 112.
Appeal, An, ii, 213.
April, ii, 245.
April, In, i, 50.
Art, ii, 171.
Art and War, ii, 215.
"Ask what you will," i, 123.
At Break of Day, i, 55.
At Dusk, i, 210.
At the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre, ii, 136.
Autumn, i, 107.
Autumn, ii, 194.

Ballad of a Drum, i, 85.
Band of the Titanic, the, ii, 152.
Base-born, i, 94.
Be Thou my Guide, i, 162.
Beatrice before Death, i, 188.
Beauty's Path, ii, 106.
Beethoven, i, 115.
Before the Dawn, i, 78.
Benjamin Franklin, ii, 15.
Bereft, i, 146.
Beside a Pleasant Shore, ii, 165.
Betrothal, i, 69.
Better to die, i, 218.
Beyond, ii, 222.
Blessèd, i, 110.
Breathless we strive, i, 90.
Britannia, ii, 202.
Britannia, to, i, 148.
Brook-Song: To the Spring, i, 35.
Browning, Robert, ii, 66.
Brünhilde, Lament of, ii, 185.
Buffalo, i, 138.
Burial of Robert Louis Stevenson at Samoa, The, i, 89.
Cathedral, A, i, 201.
Cendrillon, i, 87.
Cherubim, The, i, 126.
Child and the Heart Bereft, The, ii, 195.

Chosen, The, i, 64.
Christ of the Andes, The, i, 155.
Christmas Eve, i, 121.
Civilization, i, 239.
Clouds, The, i, 175.
Columbus, i, 97.
Combatants, i, 245.
Compensation, ii, 192.
Conscience, ii, 23.
Cora, i, 42.
Courage, i, 241.
Cradle Song, ii, 137.
Crippled, ii, 128.
Cruel Love—Anacreontic, i, 62.
Cupid and the Muses, ii, 221.
Curzon, Lady, On the Death of, i, 145.

Daï Nippon, i, 171.
Daphnis, i, 230.
Dawn, ii, 156.
Dearth, i, 189.
Death, ii, 250.
Death of Lady Curzon, On the, i, 145.
Deathless Death, i, 47.
Delilah, ii, 133.
Demeter, ii, 149.
Descant, A, ii, 30.
Didst thou Rejoice? ii, 144.
Ditty: My True Love's Eyes, i, 153.
Divniation, i, 186.
Dream, My, ii, 130.
Dream the Great Dream, ii, 256.
Dryad Song, i, 75.
Du Maurier, i, 159.

Eagles, i, 167.
Earth's Blossoms, i, 52.
Earth's Mystery, ii, 120.
Easter, ii, 74.
Éastre, i, 219.
Echo Consolatrix, i, 156.
Edmund Clarence Stedman, i, 169.
Empty House, The, i, 226.
Eros, i, 182.
Eurydice, ii, 107.
Every Heart, i, 96.
Every Night at Marathon, ii, 241.
Exaltation, ii, 89.

Farewell, A, ii, 102.
Father, ii, 193.
For Joy, i, 179.
Franklin, Benjamin, ii, 15.
Friends to Virtue, i, 113.
Frogs, The, ii, 226.
Gilder, Richard Watson, In Memory of, i, 47.
Give me not Love, i, 58.
"Go not too far," i, 170.
Grand Salut, Le, ii, 174.
Greatness, i, 224.

He and I, ii, 217.
Heart of Love, The, i, 217.
Heart-Room, ii, 58.
Helen Keller with a Rose, ii, 53.
Henry V, ii, 54.
Henry James, ii, 198.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ii, 86.
Hermit, The, i, 190.
Hero, A, ii, 33.
His Face, ii, 31.

Homeward, ii, 244.
Honor, ii, 111.
Honor, not Honors, ii, 5.
Hope, To, ii, 28.
Hospital, The, ii, 166.
House of Pain, The, ii, 25.
How Wonderful is Love, i, 18.
Hylas, ii, 39.

I heard a Voice, i, 177.
I know not how to find the Spring, ii, 64.
"I longed for Love," ii, 151.
Ideal, The, i, 9.
Idle Ditty, An, ii, 117.
Idler, An, ii, 71.
Immortal, i, 120.
Immortal, ii, 254.
In a College Settlement, ii, 95.
In a Tenement, i, 183.
In April, i, 50.
In Darkness, i, 17.
In Dreamland, ii, 161.
In Loneliness, ii, 61.
In Memory of Caroline Furness Jayne, ii, 93.
"In Memory of Jean, i, 118.
In the Town a Wild Bird singing, i, 27.
In the Wood, ii, 183.
In War-Time: An American Homeward Bound, ii, 210.
In War-Time: Gazing Seaward, ii, 209.
In Winter, i, 181.
In Winter-Time, ii, 135.
India, ii, 253.
Indian-Pipe, i, 45.
Influence, i, 227.
Interchange, i, 6.
Inviolable, i, 249.
Irish Shamrock in South Africa, The, i, 151.
Israfel, i, 20.

James, Henry, ii, 198.
James McNeill Whistler, ii ,68.
Jayne, Carolnie Furness, In Memory of, ii, 93.
Jean-François Millet, ii, 251.
Jewel-Weed, i, 213.
Joan of Arc, i, 108.

Keats, ii, 190.
Keller, Helen, To, i, 180.
Keller, Helen, with a Rose, ii, 53.
Kenilworth, ii, 237.
Kindred, i, 194.

L'Amour fait Peur, ii, 112.
Lament of Brünhilde, ii, 185.
Land of Promise, The, ii, 129.
Lark, The, i, 56.
Last Night i dreamed, ii, 125.
Le Grand Salut, ii, 174.
Leaders of Men, ii, 18.
Leave-Taking, ii, 21.
Let me believe, i, 41.
Life, i, 5.
Life, i, 208.
Limitation, i, 51.
Little Lass, The, i, 164.
Little Minister, A, i, 80.

Little Song, A, i, 203.
Live thy Life, i, 234.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, ii, 86.
Longing, ii, 14.
Lordly Pines, The, i, 225.
Love and Death, ii, 49.
Love and Life, ii, 51.
Love and the Child, ii, 80.
Love conquers Death, ii, 233.
Love, dost thou smile? ii, 4.
Love has no Foes, ii, 188.
Love is passing, i, 140.
Love never is Too Late, i, 166.
Love Reproachful, ii, 163.
Love sailed at Morn, i, 163.
Love that faltered, ii, 139.
Lover's "Litany to Pan," A, ii, 224.
Lullaby, ii, 113.
Madonna, i, 23.
Maid's Defence, A, i, 209.
Man, i, 13.
Man, that will not be beguiled, i, 200.
Man-Soul, The, ii, 176.
Mars, i, 157.
Mediæval, ii, 76.
Meeting in the Forest, A, i, 187.
Memoria, i, 242.
Memorial Ode, i, 131.
Memory, i, 106.
Mid-Ocean, i, 196.
Might I return, ii, 175.
Millet, Jean-François, ii, 251.
Mirror, The, ii, 155.
Morning, i, 30.
Morning Glory, The, ii, 243.
Mother, ii, 13.
Mother-Love, ii, 101.
Mother Mary, ii, 235.
Motherless, i, 238.
Muse, To the, ii, 3.
Music, i, 93.
My Dream, ii, 130.
My True Love's Eyes, i, 153.

Nansen, ii, 99.
Narrow Window, A, ii, 34.
Natura Benigna, i, 139.
Nature, i, 88.
Near and Far, i, 160.
Nest, The, i, 206.
New Mars, The, ii, 207.
New York, i, 32.
No More, Dear Heart, ii, 180.
Nocturne, ii, 91.
Nothing that can die, ii, 219.

O Giorno Felice! i, 116.
October, i, 235.
Ode to Silence, i, 15.
Of Future Days, i, 74.
Old St. David's, i, 124.
On a Poet too early dead, ii, 121.
On the Death of Lady Curzon, i, 145.
Once in a Still, Sequestered place, i, 112.
Optimist, An, ii, 47.

"Penseur," The, i, 37.
Per Aspera, i, 192.
Perdita, i, 10.
Persephone, ii, 19.
Picquart, ii, 90.
Pilgrim, The, ii, 36.
Pilgrim Song, i, 98.
Pilgrimage, ii, 247.
Place de la Concorde, ii, 204.
Poet, The, i, 236.
Poet, To a, i, 66.
Poet too early Dead, On a, ii, 121.
Poetry, i, 12.
Poetry of Earth, The, i, vii.
Poor Icarus, ii, 158.
"Poor Love!" said Life, i, 31.
Poverty, To, ii, 52.
Privilege, ii, 179.
Probation, i, 8.
Proserpine, The Return of, i, 176.
Psyche, i, 53.

Realm of Wonder, A, 81.
Rejected, i, 243.
Renewal, ii, 141.
Reproach not Death, i, 228.
Requiem for a Young Soldier, ii, 216.
Retrospect, ii, 97.
Return, The, i, 91.
Return of Proserpine, The, i, 176.
Returinng Brave, To the, i, 129.
Reveille, i, 73.
Rhapsody, i, 244.
Rheims, ii, 211.
Robert Browinng, ii, 66.
Romance, ii, 199.
Rose, A, ii, 148.
Rouen: In the Prison of Joan of Arc, i, 109.
Round, A, ii, 218.
Russian's Prayer for his Horse, before going into Battle, A, ii, 212.

Saint Theresa, i, 215.
Sappho, ii, 12.
Sappho Dead, To, i, 204.
Secret, A, ii, 27.
Secure, ii, 159.
Seeker in the Night, A, i, 67.
Self-confident Youth, ii, 113.
"Sense of Tears in Mortal Things, The." ii, 100.
Shakespeare, i, 197.
She will not hear, i, 222.
Siberia, i, 59.
Singer, The, ii, 6.
Sleep, ii, 57.
"So War has begun," i, 104.
So you Love Me, ii, 170.
Socrates, ii, 138.
Song: "For me the jasmine buds unfold," i, 237.
Song: "Friendship from its moorings strays," i, 185.
Song: "Her cheek is like a tinted rose," i, 193.
Song: "If love were but a little thing," ii, 255.

Song: "If love were not, the wilding rose" i, 248.
Song: "My love is fairer than the tasselled corn, i, 212.
Song: "Sweet is the Birth of Love," ii, 9.
Song: "The new-born leaves unfolding fast," ii, 173.
Song of Life, i, 24.
Song that is Forgot, The, i, 223.
Stanza: "The voices of all waters that make moan," ii, 248.
Stedman, Edmund Clarence, i, 169.
Stevenson, Robert Louis, The Burial of, at Samoa, i, 89.
Summer-Time is in the Rose, The, ii, 197.
Suppliant, ii, 189.
Survival, ii, 35.
Tennyson, ii, 196.
Thanksgiving, ii, 238.
"The Sense of Tears in Mortal Things," ii, 100.
The Summer-Time is in the Rose, ii, 197.
There's a Spot in the Mountains, ii, 72.
They live so Long, ii, 85.
They told Me, ii, 164.
Though thou hast Climbed, ii, 234.
Through the Rushes, i, 3.
Through the Window, i, 207.
Time, i, 39.
To a Poet, i, 66.
To Britannia, i, 148.
To England, i, 142.
To Helen Keller, i, 180.
To Henry Mills Alden, ii, 104.
To Hope, ii, 28.
To One in Hospital Pent, i, 84.
To Poverty, ii, 52.
To Sappho Dead, i, 204.
To the Muse, ii, 3.
To the Returning Brave, i, 129.
To the Victor, ii, 251.
To William Butler Yeats, i, 150.
To-day, ii, 59.
Tomb in Tuscany, A, ii, 118.
Tomb said to the Rose, The, II, 88.
To-morrow, ii, 240.
Too Late, i, 174.
Transition, i, 95.
True love, i, 191.
Two Brothers, ii, 81.

Unconquered, ii, 110.
Unconquered Air, The, i, 25.
"Unfinished" Symphony, The, ii, 46.
Unpardoned, ii, 143.
Unrest, ii, 115.
Veiled, ii, 69.
Vestal, ii, 24.
Victi Resurgunt, ii, 78.
Victor, To the, ii, 252.
Victory, i, 247.
Violin, The, i, 198.
Vita Nuova, ii, 10.

War, i, 102.
War, ii, 201.
Water Lilies, i, 229.
Watts, George F., After the Paintings by, ii, 49.
When Christ was born, i, 71.
Where Harold sleeps, ii, 124.
Whistler, James McNeill, ii, 68.
White-throated Sparrow, The, ii, 65.
Who walks the World with Soul Awake, ii, 181.
Why did you go? i, 44.
Wings, ii, 184.
Winter-Song, ii, 154.
Wouldst thou learn, ii, 191.

Yeats, William Butler, To, i, 150.
Yesterday, ii, 177.
You, ii, 246.
Youth and Age, ii, 182.