4453878Poems — The Fisher Boy jollily livesEliza Cook
Merrily oh! merrily oh!The nets are spread out to the sun:Merrily oh the Fisher Boy sings,Right glad that his labour is done.Happy and gay, with his boat in the bay,The storm and the danger forgot;The wealthy and great might repine at their state,And envy the Fisher Boy's lot.Merrily oh merrily oh!This is the burden he gives:"Cheerily oh! though the blast may blow,The Fisher Boy jollily lives."
Merrily oh merrily oh!He sleeps till the morning breaks;Merrily oh at the seagull's screamThe Fisher Boy quickly awakes.Down on the strand he is plying his hand,His shouting is heard again;The clouds are dark, but he springs to his barkWith the same light-hearted strain.Merrily oh merrily oh!This is the burden he gives;"Cheerily oh! though the blast may blow,The Fisher Boy jollily lives."