Poems (Coolidge)/"In the Way of Righteousness is Life"
A narrow way, by trial oft beset, And yet, O Lord, 'tis one that I would choose. Therein thy blessèd footprints I may see, There find a life I do but seem to lose.
A darkened way? Nay, somber storm clouds break And Faith thy love beholds in rifts of blue; Nor faltering feet need thy disciple fear, Thou with each step wilt failing strength renew.
A lonely way? Ah! such 'twill never be, So hallowed by the feet that pressed it long Of saints beloved, whose daily touch I knew, Whose bright ensamples still should make me strong.
A way in which the blessèdness is mine; Where, even now, may peace be won from strife; Take courage, soul! remembering always this: That "in the way of righteousness is life."