Poems (Coolidge)/"Peace"
Loving Shepherd, when I stray Far from thee across the wold, Showy to stumbling feet the way That shall lead to sheltering fold; Let, O Christ, thy word of peace Bring the calm that follows strife. From sin's fetters grant release, Seal my pardon, give me life.
Blest Redeemer, hear my prayer! By thy wondrous peace divine Lighten every load of care, Heal each open wound of mine; Not as this world dost thou give, For thy priceless boon to me Shall be mine the while I live, And—for all eternity.
Jesus, Saviour, when I near, With each feeble, fluttering breath, That lone valley dim and drear Which to earthly sight is death; Then, it faint, with closing ear, Ere my spirit,wings its flight, "Peace be unto you!" I hear,— All my darkness shall be light.