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Poems (Crandall)/Peace on Earth

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For works with similar titles, see Peace on Earth.
4572278Poems — Peace on EarthRosa Neil Crandall
Peace on Earth
We have read the beautiful story  Of the shepherds and angels of light;But where shall the harassed souls of men  Find peace upon earth tonight?
In Russia, suffering Russia,  Where a maddened peasant throngIs striving against the ruling powers,  To right oppression's wrong?
Where tyrants cower and tremble  As the people's arm grows strong?Do you think the Czar or the howling mob  Heed the herald angels' song?
In England, that grand old country,  Where starving humans cryFrom the great and rich metroplis  For work, lest their loved ones die?
Eight hundred thousand waiting  For food or for death's release;Think you this starving multitude  In their garrets and cellars find peace?
And what of fair Columbia,  The honored land of our birth,Does she prize the gracious gift from Heaven  Of peace and good will upon earth?
We crowd and we trample each other,  God's gift we have thrown away;What fools—what base ingratitude;  But—'tis dollars or death today.
Is there peace in the home of the drunkard?  Sweet peace in the prison cell,Where a man with a youthful haggard face  Is waiting to hear death's knell?
He remembers nothing, they tell him  He murdered his child and his wife.We sold him the drink that made him a brute  And now make him forfeit his life.
If the angels that sang in Judea  To herald our Savior and King,Are singing to night that wonderful song;  Methinks they must weep as they sing.
Christmas 1895