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Poems (David)/On the Death of Gilbert, Bishop of Chichester

From Wikisource
by Edith Mary David
On the Death of Gilbert, Bishop of Chichester
4586285Poems — On the Death of Gilbert, Bishop of ChichesterEdith Mary David
COME home, dear patriarch, a gentle voice did cry,Come home, to realms of purer bliss;—Lay all thy poor frail mortal garments by,To seek a holier world than this.
There is a land of light beyond so fair,A city mortal hand ne'er framed;The Lamb of God in glory ruleth there,And heaven's whole host adore His name!
Come home, dear patriarch, why should'st thou wait?Thy Father's house hath room for thee:Thou art His child, all cares of future fateFrom thee His grace can free!
He calls for thee by ancient Jordan's stream,Amidst the grey and wintry morn;Lo! by that deed which sinful earth redeem'd,He grants thee life for evermore!
Thou heard'st a voice so low and sweet,Ye rose at morn to meet thy Lord:In hope thou laid'st before His wounded feetThe varied fruits thy spirit bore!
For evermore thy gentle voice shall joinIn saints' and angels' holy lay:—Yes! with unwearied frame thy willing tongueShall bless the Lord thro' endless day!
Oh! thou hast left a noble name behind,To cheer us on our onward way;Shining on men thro' fast and waning time,To light us on to purer day!
All honour to thee, whose hand did knowThe surest balance e'er to keep:—Alike thy dearest friends and e'en thy foes,O'er Gilbert's honour'd grave shall weep!