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Poems (Davidson)/To my Dear Mother in Sickness

From Wikisource
4596747Poems — To my Dear Mother in SicknessLucretia Maria Davidson
Hang not thy harp upon the willow;Mourn not a brighter, happier day:But touch the chord, and life's wild billowWill, shrinking, foam its shame away.
Then strike the chord and raise the strainWhich brightens that dark clouded brow;O! beam one sunshine smile again,And I'll forgive thy sadness now.
Though darkness, gloom, and doubt surround thee,Thy bark, though frail, shall safely ride;The storm and whirlwind may rage round thee,But thou wilt all their wrath abide.
Hang not thy harp upon the willowWhich weeps o'er every passing wave;Though life is but a restless pillow,There's calm and peace beyond the grave.