Poems (Denver)/Be strong
For works with similar titles, see Be strong.
Go forth into the world; go forth! Thou art prepared to win the race; Among the great ones of the earth To take thy destined place! Its ills may cluster round thy heart, Its shadows gather round thy brow; Life's first fond hopes may all depart, Yet fear not! fail not thou!
Be firm! false words may charm thy ear, False smiles may hover on the lips, And treachery be lurking near, Plotting thy soul's eclipse; Yet, fearless in thy sense of right, And resolute to do no wrong, Say, with the chieftain 'midst the fight, Unto thy soul—"Be strong!"
Be true unto thyself, nor cast The brightness of thy soul away, In striving after things that last But for a little day. Be heaven-born principles thy guide, Whate'er may be life's chequered plan; Amidst the storms or adverse tide, Fear God, but never man!