Poems (Denver)/Our Beautiful Tree
The tree that for years had withstood the blast, Our beautiful tree, has fallen at last! The tempest came With its vengeful flame And smote to the earth its green-robed frame!
I loved it well for the days long past, When the light of childhood was over it cast; An emblem fair, Of our mirth and care,For the shade and the sunshine of life were there!
'Tis linked with the thoughts of other years, 'Tis linked with our childhood's smiles and tears; Beneath its shade We have often played And heard the music the wild winds made!
It seemed to us that they stole along, Wound through thy leaves, and woke them to song. We heard a wail Through the long deep vale And thy thousand voices were on the gale.
A link is broken, a chain unbound, A light in our sky no longer found; The thoughts, old tree! Come no more to me, That associate other years with thee.
Ah! never around a greener spot, Clustered brighter blossoms of thought, Than when we heard Thy dark leaves stirred. And spied through thy branches the singing bird.