Poems (Denver)/The Land of Forgetfulness
Toward the dim land of forgetfulness Our barques are hastening fast; We've reached the topmost wave of life, To plunge into the past! Far on the pale horizon's brink Their sails are growing less; A little while, and they will sink Into sheer nothingness! Not the faint memory of a dream Shall on their pathway lie, Nor the reflection of a beam From out the summer sky.
And those we wept to leave behind, Whose eyes with tears were wet, Whose faces in our hearts were shrined, How soon will they forget! Their voices yet again will ring On less familiar ears, The songs we sung shall others sing— Nor waken them to tears! And yet, they too, are gliding fast Toward that deserted shore Whose anchoring haven is the past— Whose language is no more!
In the dim land of forgetfulness How can we ever dwell, Where not a sunbeam comes to bless Nor summer breezes swell! Off from its dismal shores no sounds In hollow murmurs come, The silence is as deep, profound, As if the earth were dumb! No echoing music fills with love The dreary atmosphere; No azure arches smile above, No midnight stars appear!
Yet if our barques float side by side To that returnless shore,If on the same calm seas we glide, Hear the same tempests roar; What matter, if we be at last To after-times unknown, A drop within the ocean cast— A grave without a stone! If thou art only there to bless When past life's troubled sea, E'en the dim shores of forgetfulness Will not unwelcome be.