Poems (Dodd)/Death and the Mother
I saw a violet of the vale Blooming in autumn's smile;The frosts were chill, the sun was pale, But fair it grew the while.There came a bitter, biting storm, And wild winds sighed around;I sought the violet's fragile form, T was broken on the ground.
A fair child blossomed like the flower, When autumn woods were gay,And grew in beauty every hour Time counted on his way.Sweet violet eyes and cheek of down, Dimples and roses there,Soft silky hair of palest brown, And skin like lillies fair.
The mother, with a smile and tear, Gazed fondly on her son,And thought of all the flowerets here, Hers was the fairest one. He charmed her hours of pain away, And bade her cares depart,And every hour, and every day, Grew closer to her heart.
But soon a sad, stern looking man, To the bright boy came nigh;His breath was chill, his features wan, And glassy was his eye.The tender mother's fears were wild; Her eye with tears grew dim"Kind Death, it is my gentle child, Oh, come not near to him!
"How can I those dear eyes behold, When all their light has flown?Or feel his little hand grow cold, While clasped within my own?Some wait for thee, whose weary years Know neither hope or joy;They look towards the grave through tears, Take them, and spare my boy."
Death pitied the poor mother's grief; Pity he sometimes knew; And kindly sought to give relief, While nearer still he drew."Thy child is very fair to see, And very dear to love,The best and fairest go with me, To brighter worlds above.
"Though sadness now thy bosom fills, Why wouldst thou have him stay,To suffer all the thousand ills, That throng life's weary way?Let Him who gave thy blossom birth, Beneath the autumn skies,Now take it from the frosts of earth, To bloom in Paradise."
Her tears were dried, her hopes grew bright, As faith marked out the road,Where walked the Lamb, in garments white, Bearing her babe to God.She felt that it was hard to part From one so lately given,But with a firm and trusting heart, She yielded him to Heaven.