Poems (Dodd)/Dedication of a Church
God's holy temple! We have reared thy walls, With happy hearts and joyful haste to Him,Around whose love no shadow ever falls, To make its ceaseless, quenchless light grow dim.
Thou art no lofty fane, but He who hears The sky-lark's morning hymn, will not despiseThe lowly offering of repentant tears; Or heartfelt prayers that from thine altar rise.
The swelling sound of thy sweet Sabbath bell, Will cheer the pilgrim on his weary road;And when his eyes upon thy spire shall dwell, His heart will feel the holy love of God.
And should it be our lot afar to roam, Our thoughts will homeward turn with joy to thee,And those who oft within thy portals come, To listen to the truth which maketh free.
O, may we love to visit this abode; And feel while joying over sins forgiven,It is no other than the house of God, The gate through which our feet may pass to heaven.