Poems (Dodd)/One I loved is in the grave
Bright the summer sun is shining, Blue the sky and soft the breeze;Flowers the garden walks are twining, Birds are warbling in the trees.But while joy is smiling round me, Naught from pain my heart can save;Sadness with a spell has bound me, One I loved is in the grave.
Cheerful looks and pleasant voices, Call me from my grief away;Nothing now my heart rejoices, Vain each effort to be gay.Let me weep! the tear is filling Eyes that smiles so often gave,For a pang my soul is thrilling, One I loved is in the grave.
All things wear the garb of sorrow, For my heart is filled with gloom,And my thoughts their hue will borrow, From the shadow of the tomb. Mournfully the waves are singing, Dim the verdure which they lave;Every sound a knell is ringing; One I loved is in the grave.
Sadly now the days I number, Dark and slow their passing seems;Night but brings me troubled slumber, Restless hours and weary dreams.Death's dark wings my path are shading; Sable plumes before me wave;Phantoms from my gaze are fading; One I loved is in the grave.
Father, in distress I languish! Heal the wound thy hand has made;Thou canst see my silent anguish, Thou wilt pity, thou wilt aid!Yes, a ray of light is beaming, From despair my soul to save;Jesus, on thy bosom leaning, One I loved has left the grave.