Poems (Dodd)/Passing Time
Time, hurries swiftly on,Each fleeting year seems shorter than the last,And many hopes which cheered its opening dawn, Are buried with the past.
How various and how brightThe future views which cheating fancy gave;Time touched the picture with a changing blight, From which no power can save.
'Tis but a little while,Since summer with her lovely light was here;All things looked gay which her refulgent smile Shone on to bless and cheer.
How passing fair the flowers,That all around 'neath her light step sprang up;How soft the night-dew and the silver showers, Which filled each opened cup.
But now 'tis autumn-time;Dark leaden clouds come o'er the sunny sky,And summer birds to seek a softer clime, From the wild tempest fly.
O, solemn are the hours!The winds are wailing o'er the withered leaf,They tune their harps, and to the faded flowers Sing a sad song of grief.
Where are the kind and true?Who watched together nature's changing moods,The lightning's fiery flash, the sunset's hue, Or fading of the woods;
Who loved, each long bright day,And when the moonlit eve did stillness bring,To read the thrilling tale and poet's lay, Or songs of Zion sing.
Vainly I look aroundFor those whose words were music to my heart;Time his attaching ties had closely bound, Then coldly bade us part.
The steps no more are nigh,Which lingered with my own by mount and wave;Swift flew the happy hours uncounted by, That such bright moments gave.
O, deeply are those hoursEnshrined in memory till life shall cease,When time the moments told by strewing flowers Round our abode of peace.
Each night returns the star,And spring shall call the bud on vale and plain,And friends who now by-fate are severed far, May often meet again.
But if no more on earth,Those kindred hearts can hold communion sweet;If some loved face, and form, and voice of mirth, Death's cold embrace shall greet;
Lift we the trusting eye,To a sure meeting on that better shore,Where clouds come not, and roses never die, And time shall reign no more.