Poems (Dodd)/Song (I have watched for thy coming)
For works with similar titles, see Song.
SONG.Air—"'Tis the last rose of summer."
I have watched for thy coming Till twilight is old,And the dark brow of evening Is glittering with gold.Each zephyr that rustles, I think thou art near;I am weary with waiting Thy footsteps to hear.
In her pathway of beauty, All fair and serene,With sweet grace gliding onward Is night's gentle queen.The moon-silvered blossoms In silence repose,And the nightingale warbles His love to the rose.
The stars only witness This anguish of mine, But they heed not my weeping, As coldly they shine.My proud heart shall banish A sorrow so vain,And fond vow, or promise, Trust never again.