Poems (Dodd)/The Messiah's Advent
'T was night, and the stars in their beauty were shining, Over Bethlehem's plain, long ages ago,And shepherds, worn out with their watch, were reclining To rest their tired limbs on the verdure below;When an angel descending in garments of light,Shed a halo around which illumined the night.
"Fear not," said the seraph, "a glad message bringing, With peace, and good will, to your presence I come,From heaven's high courts, where the anthem is ringing Of glory to God for the gift of his Son.O, awake! to his altar your offerings bring;'T is the advent of Jesus, your Saviour and King."
The stars in their brightness are still beaming o'er us, Though ages have passed like a tale that is toldThe year has come round, and the time is before us, Which thrills every heart with that story of old:Hark! the song of the birth-night is echoed again,And the cross we behold where our Saviour was slain.
He died for our sins. With the scorners around him, In silence and anguish he yielded his breath;And when the cold grave in its stillness had bound him, He burst the dark bonds to redeem us from death;And our song of rejoicing, dear Jesus, shall be,That from sin and the grave we are ransomed by thee!
Redeemer! and Saviour! green garlands are wreathing The place where we meet to remember thy love;And O, may the incense of praise we are breathing, An offering pure, be accepted above;And though swiftly the hour of thine advent departs,Still fresh may thy memory remain in our hearts.