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Poems (Dorr)/Foreshadowing

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For works with similar titles, see Foreshadowing.
4570937Poems — ForeshadowingJulia Caroline Dorr
Wind of the winter night,  Under the starry skiesSomewhere my lady bright,    Slumbering lies.Wrapped in calm maiden dreams,Where the pale moonlight streams,    Softly she sleeps.
I do not know her face,  Pure as the lonely starThat in yon darkling space    Shineth afar;Never with soft commandTouched I her willing hand,    Kissed I her lips.
I have not heard her voice,  I do not know her name;Yet doth my heart rejoice,    Owning her claim;Yet am I true to her;All that is due to her    Sacred I keep.
Never a thought of me  Troubles her soft repose;Courant of mine may be    Lily nor rose. They may not bear to herThis heart's fond prayer to her,    Yet—she is mine.
Wind of the winter night,  Over the fields of snow,Over the hill so white,    Tenderly blow!Somewhere red roses bloom;Into her warm, hushed room,    Bear thou their breath.
Whisper—Nay, nay, thou sprite,  Breathe thou no tender word;Wind of the winter night,    Die thou unheard.True love shall yet prevail,Telling its own sweet tale:    Till then I wait.