Poems (Eaton)/Fort Sumter
For works with similar titles, see Fort Sumter.
"Thanks be to God, who giveth us the Victory."
RAISE high the flag, ye brave! And as its folds shake out,From spreading shore and murm'ring wave, Hark to the answering shout!The days of deep dishonor o'er,Old Sumter is our own once more.
Once more, the Union stars Have risen, ne'er to fade—And every stripe the banner bears, On its broad face displayed,Like playful child, whose task is done,Leaps laughing- to the noon-day sun.
Beats high the nation's heart, Swells loud the nation's voice—Hoarse-throated cannon bears its part, And echoing hills rejoice,While heartfelt thanks for victory given,Silent and sweet, ascend to Heaven.
When first disloyal hand Dealt parricidal blow,Rousing the slumberers of the land, For treason's overthrow,Bore the proud banner, loved of old,One blood-mark on each shining fold.
But Slavery's stain no more Sullies its glorious fame—The God-sown seed asserts its power, To cleanse a nation's name,And manifest through all the earth,Man of one common blood has birth.
With joy and deafening cheers, Rear then the flag on high!Emblem of all we hold most dear, True life and liberty—And shout, that her dishonor o'er,Old Sumter is our own once more.