Poems (Eckley)/"Jesu Mio Misericordia"

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4606787Poems — "Jesu Mio Misericordia"Sophia May Eckley
HOLY Jesu! hear my prayer,—
Floating on the midnight air,
Like sweet incense may it bear
My grateful adoration.

Gentle Jesu! may Thy Love
Rest on me as holy Dove;
Keep me pure in Thine own Love,
O Jesu, my Salvation!

Blessed Jesu! may my life—
Lost in Thee while in Earth's strife,
Deaden to the sins so rife,
That hinder my progression.

Lovely Jesu! may each day
Bring me nearer on my way,
To that endless perfect day—
Eternal Consecration!

Precious Jesu! may each night
'Lumined be by Thine own Light;
Ope' mine eyes, refresh my sight
With perfect satisfaction![1]

Bagni di Lucca, 1857.

  1. "I shall be satisfied when I awake, with Thy Likeness!"