Poems (Eckley)/A Wish

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For works with similar titles, see A Wish.
4606712Poems — A WishSophia May Eckley
A WISH. "The beams of our house are cedar, and our rafters of fir."
Songs of Solomon i. 17.
TIVE me a châlet on the heights,
In fields of deathless snow,
With a crystal river o'er whose waves,
The murm'ring breezes blow.

The only footstep that shall pass
My humble châlet door,
Shall be the tempest, whose wild wrath
Dies in the cataract's roar.

My only neighbours be the pines,
The armies of the height,
Whose upward tramp shall cut a path
For the moon's mystic light.

Where flow'rs of spangled ice shall bloom,
Sheltered by agate wall,
Where onyx and the amethyst,
In rival beauty call.

The only voice too shall be hers,
Whose spirit follows me,
And walks among the faithful pines,
Less faithful they than she.

Courmajeur, 1861,