Poems (Eckley)/The "Barba Gianni"

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4606727Poems — The "Barba Gianni"Sophia May Eckley
DO you hear the "Barba Gianni,"
Do you hear her in the tiles,
When night creeps through the valley,
And the moon through the vineyard smiles?

When the nightingale folds her head,
And the bat has gone to rest,
And the cicala's voice is hush'd,
Then to "Barba Gianni" list.

When eve's gold chalice drop by drop,
With dew has gemmed the grass,
Then hear the Banshee of the tiles,
In her sulky mood re-pass.

Some say that the house is haunted,
That the roof-tree weird is,
And the low breathing that ye hear,
From some wandering spirit 'tis.

I laugh at your wayward fancies,
'Tis a sigh, a breath ye hear,
But comes from no idle phantom,
No spectre ye should fear.

For 'tis only "Barba Gianni,"
You will hear her in the tiles,
When night creeps through the valley,
And the moon through the vineyard smiles.

Casa Webb, Lucca.