Poems (Edwards)/"Love God and be Happy"
"Love God," while youth is on thy brow, And joy is in thy heart,Love God with all thy powers now, Ere youth's bright dreams depart;He claims from thee thy heart, thy all, Oh! let the boon be given,Give God thy heart, and thine shall be Eternal life in Heaven.
"Love truth," her hand will guide thee safe Thro' life's tempestuous wave,Her light will be a lamp to lead Thy footsteps to the grave; Her arm will bear thee up thro' all Earth's ever dark'ning cares,While blackened error "falls and dies Amid her worshippers."
"Love virtue," hold within thy breast, Her pure and sinless name,Oh! leave her not, to tread the paths Of folly and of shame;Her steps will lead thee to that land Where joys no more depart,Where sin and grief no more can come To touch the pure in heart.
"Be happy," mercy every day Upon your path descends,God gives to you all needful things, He gives you health and friends;He bids you come to him and dwell Among the sainted blest,"Love God, love truth, love virtue, and Be happy" in that rest.