Poems (Edwards)/Do as You Would be Done by
There is a golden rule in life, A rule both just and fair,Most worthy to be borne with us, Where'er, whoe'er we are;It is a rule which when obeyed, Makes glad the heart like dew,It brings a happiness to all, The many and the few,—"Do unto others as you would That they should do to you."
When fortune smiles upon your path, When all your hopes are high,When pleasure with her syren song, Goes floating softly by; When joys and friends and wealth are yours And life looks bright and true,—"Do unto others as you would That they should do to you."
Remember, fortune's smile may change, they may Your riches may decay,Your pleasures like the morning dew, May swiftly glide away;"The summer friends who love you now, To-morrow may be gone,"The fondest ones may turn aside, When poverty comes on;Then scorn not the affection of The poor and humble few,—"Do unto others as you would That they should do to you."