Poems (Edwards)/Sabbath Evening
Another Sabbath day is gone, Gone to return no more,Another wave of time has passed, To the eternal shore;Another day of sacred rest, Is numbered with the past,And who that lives on earth can say "It will not be my last."
The sunlight, from the hills is gone, And from the silent sky,And through the woods the autumn wind, Floats murmuring gently by,And over all a holy mist, Falls softly as a veil,And shrouds, in deepest loveliness, Each mountain, hill and dale.
There is a holy calm around, A hush that may be heard,A hush that is not broken by The song of lute or bird;And yet there is a glorious voice Around me every where,A voice of rest, a voice of peace, In ocean, earth and air.
O! sweet has been the holy rest The Sabbath day has brought,And rich has been its happiness, In feeling and in thought;It tells that when our Sabbaths here, On earth have all gone by,We may secure a day of rest, A Sabbath in the sky.