Poems (Elgee, 1907)/The fisherman
HE water rushes—the water foams— A fisherman sat on the bank,And calmly gazed on his flowing line, As it down in the deep wave sank,The water rushes—the water foams— The bright waves part asunder,And with wondering eyes he sees arise A nymph from the caverns under.

II.She sprang to him—she sang to him— AL! wherefore dost thou temptWith thy deadly food, my bright-scaled brood From out their crystal element?Could'st thou but know our joy below, Thou would'st leave the harsh, cold land,And dwell in our caves 'neath the glittering waves, As lord of our sparkling band.
III.See you not now the bright sun bow To gaze on his form here;And the pale moon's face wears a softer grace In the depths of our silver sphere.See the fleecy shroud of the azure cloud In the heaven beneath the sea;And look at thine eyes, what a glory lies In their lustre. Come, look with me.
IV.The water rushes—the water foams— The cool wave kiss'd his feet.The maiden's eyes were like azure skies, And her voice was low and sweet. She sung to him—she clung to him— O'er the glittering stream they lean;Half drew she him, half sunk he in, And never more was seen.