Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To the Message Bird
Bird of beauty, whose bright plumage Sparkles with a thousand dyes, Soft thy note, and gay thy carol, Tho' stern winter rules the skies.
First I knew thee by the sun-light Of the summer's closing day—Idly by the streamlet wand'ring, Listening to thy vocal lay.
Joyfully I've bailed thy coming, By the prairie's spreading plain, Or where southern roses blossom, Charmed by thy magic strain.
Com'st thou to me in the silence Of my snow-clad home to cheer,Dost thou bear a message to me From the friend beloved and dear?
Welcome—for a leaf, sweet wand'rer, Thou hast plucked and borne, to me Bringing many a thought of gladness 'Mid a dream of melody.