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Poems (Eytinge)/A curtain call

From Wikisource
by Pearl Eytinge
A curtain call
4728624Poems — A curtain callPearl Eytinge
I thank you, friends, if I may call you so,For all your welcome greetings here to- night;Each kindly hand hath set my heart aglow,Each smile hath shown me that the world is bright.
It is with striving that my art shall gainA hold upon your sympathetic heart;This mimic life is not portrayed in vainIf earnest action prove the perfect part.

He was not there! Ah! God in pity prayHush all this noisy clamor—send me rest!I want no praises—care not what they say,—I would but lay my head upon his breast.
Ah! Fame is ever passionless and cold,And shining, starlike, seems so far above,It chills my soul like unto death bells tolled,For all is lost to me without his love!