Poems (Follen)/"To whom shall we go"
When our purest delights are nipt in the blossom, When those we love best are laid low,When grief plants in secret her thorns in the bosom, Deserted, "to whom shall we go?"
When error bewilders, and our path becomes dreary, And tears of despondency flow; When the whole head is sick, and the whole heart is weary, Despairing, "to whom shall we go?"
When the sad, thirsty spirit turns from the springs Of enchantment this life can bestow,And sighs for another, and flutters its wings, Impatient, "to whom shall we go?"
O, blest be that light which has parted the clouds, A path to the pilgrim to show,That pierces the veil which the future enshrouds, And shows us, to whom we may go.