Poems (Geisse)/O Justice Why Dost Thou Tarry
O Justice! why dost thou tarry? Men wait thee in cottage and hall, But thou—thou art deaf to their pleading, Thou mockest the great and the small.
In the silence of night they entreat thee, They sue, they petition for grace, The baffled, the wronged, the defeated, Adjure thee to show them thy face.
The men who have fought to deliver, The men who have fought to subdue,Both hardened and penitent sinners, By thousands are waiting for you.
The "Voice of the Ages" has sounded, A bugle call solemn and strong,To tell thee how sore thou art needed, Then why dost thou tarry so long?
O Justice! arise in thy grandeur, Go forth to all nations of men, And where there is virtue reward it, And where there is evil condemn.