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Poems (Gifford)/Sunshine

From Wikisource
For works with similar titles, see Sunshine.
4685859Poems — SunshineElizabeth Gifford
Beautiful sunshine, what joy dost thou bring!Blessing and brightening everything,Chasing all darkness and dulness away,Reigning with wide and beneficent sway,Breaking the frost-chains, and melting the snow,Flooding all nature with exquisite glow,Ending the stern night of winter and gloom,Charming a garden where late was a tomb.
Wooing fair flowers with thy gentle caressTo deck the broad earth with its loveliest dress,Hovering long over orchard and fieldTill a plentiful harvest they gratefully yield;Prompting the music that gladdens the grove,Bidding the bee and the butterfly rove,Calling all life to thy grand festal hallTo hold in thy presence its high carnival.
Painting the valley-lands, gilding the hills,Making bright mirrors of rivers and rills,Bidding the ocean break forth into smiles,And the rocks bare and barren respond to thy wiles;Over the landscape diffusing thy lightSo that far-distant objects start forth into sight;Then, even the clouds and the shadows we see,Are welcome and beautiful, blending with thee.
Shedding thy treasures of glory on all,Entering palace, and cottage, and hall,Shining with unrivalled radiance here,Then bearing thy boons to the far hemisphere,Whispering hope to the sick and oppressed,Deepening joy in the satisfied breast,Telling of happiness, beauty, and mirthTo the uttermost bound of the listening earth.
Old age totters forth with his crutch, and he seemsTo gain new life and strength from thy health-giving beams,The little ones hail thee with pleasure unfeigned,They gambol and sport in thy light unrestrained,There's an unwonted smile on the toiler's worn face,And a heartier tone in his greeting we trace;Oh, blind and deaf-hearted indeed must he be,That fails to acknowledge a blessing in thee!
Dost thou not speak with unfaltering voiceTo all who are wistful, and bid them rejoice?Dost thou not tell of a Father above,Unspeakably great, and abounding in love?Dost thou not say that He knoweth our need,He knoweth, and careth, and blesseth indeed?Apt emblem art thou of His goodness divine,Free, boundless, exhaustless, resplendent sunshine!
Beautiful sunshine of God's wondrous grace,Shedding sweet influence in every place,Cheering the desolate, brightening the sad,Raising to heaven the hearts that are glad!Thou art a treasure of infinite worth,All life and enjoyment from thee have their birth;To bask in thy fulness is unfailing bliss,Bountiful Father, we thank Thee for this!