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Poems (Gifford)/To Her Majesty Queen Victoria

From Wikisource
by Elizabeth Gifford
To Her Majesty Queen Victoria
4685869Poems — To Her Majesty Queen VictoriaElizabeth Gifford

TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA, On the Celebration of Her Diamond Jubilee, June 22nd, 1897.
Oh, honoured Queen! who for these sixty years,In calm, unprecedented dignity,With delicate balance, and chaste sympathy,Hast worn the crown, outdistancing thy peers,Unnumbered honest plaudits greet thine earsOn this unique, this joyous Jubilee.The world is vocal now with praise of thee,Echoing far and wide in ringing cheers.Thou hast known bitterness and lonely care,Yet God hath blessed thee-He Whom thou did'st seekIn thy young maiden queenship, simply meek,And heard hath been thy subjects' constant prayer.Still, still, "God save the Queen!" thine empire sings,And for thee honours the great King of kings.