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Poems (Grossman)/On Father's Birthday

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4642101Poems — On Father's BirthdayEthel B. Grossman
The day is dawning bright and clear,The greatest day in all the year                —for us.
Oh, Lord, we thank you for this day,And may we the great boon repay                —to you.
May this, his birthday, in us allThe good that is in him install                —to-day.
He is so generous and so kind,To people's vices he is blind                —a saint.
Congratulations all extend—A god, a father, and a friend,                —to him.
By all is worshipped and is loved,By all his virtues sung and said                —alway.
To all a helpful thing is said,Square and honest, earns his bread                —by work.
May we to him a blessing bring,May all the world his praises sing                —for aye.
February 18, 1917.