Poems (Grossman)/The Road of Life
THE ROAD OF LIFEWritten on her parents' Wedding Anniversary, June 28th, 1915.
Thus have you trod together The rocky road of life,Through fair and stormy weather, With pleasure—without strife.
Some rocks beset your pathway, And trouble lay ahead,But still you clung together And did what God hath said.
And so you were rewarded, For happy shall you be;And so shall your two children, On your anniversary.
You've had your smiles and laughs and tears, These fifteen long but happy years;We wish you increased joy and pleasure, And happiness in greatest measure.
We now congratulate you both, And wish you health and bliss,And seal these happy verses with— A great big hug and kiss.
Your children love you dearly, And now they want to say,They wish you what you wish yourself, On this great gala day.
Thus have you trod together, The rocky road of life,Through fair and stormy weather, With pleasure—not with strife.