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Poems (Grossman)/To My Mother

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For works with similar titles, see To My Mother.
4642109Poems — To My MotherEthel B. Grossman
Dearest mother, none can tellHow good to me you've been,—Told me things to help me whenI've been so near to sin.
Led me from temptation whenI chanced to go that way,Put me on the road to GodAnd watched me, lest I stray.
I'm happy to have a mother so dear,And for her my love is truly sincere.My dear, darling mother loves me, I know,In gladness and sorrow, in weal and in woe.
She gently reproves me whene'er I do wrong,But she knows and I know that it cannot last long.Her dear, loving kisses, such times make me sad.Some hugs and caresses! Once more I am glad!
Oh, mother! Dearest! Darling!Our mutual love's sincere.I know there's not anotherSo tender and so dear.
I wish I were just like you,As happy and as sweet.I long to be right with you,My heart with yours shall beat.
My love for you and fatherIs deep. I cannot tellWhat I would do without you,I love you both so well.
May, 1914.