Poems (Hale)/Hymn for the Consecration of Mount Pleasant
Around Thy forest shrine, Eternal God! we bend, While to yon dome of Thine, Faith's breathing tones ascend,—To spread abroad,From nature's fane,The choral strainTo nature's God.
The whispering wind around, The glorious sky above, The trees' sweet murmuring sound,— All, all proclaim Thy love.A thrilling voice,Breathed on the ear,Checks every fear,Bids man rejoice.
Where nature's hues of bloom In summer beauty reign, Shall sadness, doubt, and gloom, Breathe here their mournful strain?Let songs of praiseTo God be given,And high to HeavenJoy's chorus raise.
To Faith, to Hope, to Love, This spot we consecrate, While raised to Thee above, Our hearts Thy blessing wait.To Thee we pray,Our Father, God!Through him who trodDeath's silent way.
Our souls shall never fear The path he blest to tread; But calmly enter here The chambers of the dead.Here shall we sleep,And fear no ill,While angels stillTheir vigils keep.
To thee! Great King of kings! When life's short dream is o'er, On Hope's aspiring wings, O may our spirits soar,And swell on highThat strain to TheeWhose melodyShall never die!