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Poems (Hale)/Invocation

From Wikisource
For works with similar titles, see Invocation.
   Father! enthroned above,   Thou Source of life and love!On Thine Eternal Name my voice would call.   Hear me as thus I pray,   And let a heavenly ray,Gently as night dews, on my spirit fall.
   While suppliant thus I kneel,   Let me Thy presence feel,In the bright noontide as the evening shade;   When in the hour of prayer,   I bring to Thee my care,May my heart's confidence on thee be stayed.
   Spare Thou the loved and dear,   Life's trial way to cheer:Long may their faithful, changeless love be given;   And, 'mid my lonely grief,   Grant me the sweet relief,The trust to meet those cherished ones in heaven.
   And to my fainting heart   Wilt thou Thine aid impart?In weakness, Mighty One! I bend to Thee.   When the fierce storm is nigh,   And raised to Thee my eye,Wilt Thou my strength in earthly weakness be?
   When the dark hour has passed,   Of earthly wo the last,And the soul quits its prison-house of clay,—   Thou! to whom Death must bow,;   Great King of kings! wilt ThouReceive my spirit to eternal day?