Poems (Hale)/The Altars of a Household
In childhood round one common shrine they bent the knee in prayer,Breathing that incense of the heart, a grateful offering, there.A common love, a common faith their souls in union bound,And there the same blest hope of heaven their mingling spirits found.
The mother o'er her infant's couch in silent worship bent,Raising her fervent prayer to God, all hushed, yet eloquent,That in the fairer home above their spirits yet might meet,And pour their holier homage forth before the Mercy-seat.
But years passed on. All beautiful as childhood's radiant dream,Each bark of hope sped gayly on o'er life's unsullied stream.The father's eye grew eloquent with thoughts he might not speak,That holiest thing, a mother's tear, glowed on her kindling cheek.
Now parted from that blessed spot, that altar so divine,They rear for love another home, for Faith another shrine.Though by a different sign they name the Undefiled and Blest,Yet droops his sheltering wing above each humble, holy breast.
To Him, our Father and our Friend, whom heaven's bright hosts adore,Whose hallowed name shall yet resound to earth's remotest shore,An humble suppliant bends to Him, the One Great King of kings,And through His well beloved Son accepted worship brings.
One bends within that stately fane, upon thy classic strand,Immortal Rome! the poet's theme, thou proud and storied land!One upon Afric's sandy shores erects his humble shrine,And one adores upon thy hills, time-hallowed Palestine.
Bowing before the throne of God the holy vow they take,Who seal that precious bond of love which death can never break;Then with unfaltering souls His shield fast to their hearts they gird,And spread abroad through heathen gloom the riches of His word.
Yes! Afric's sands, and Asia's isles, and Europe's classic strand,Have each a shrine at which they kneel, that once united band.Richly from each devoted heart the incense swells to Heaven,As when around a mother's knee childhood's pure vows were given.
Yet once again their voices swell within that glorious fane,The only perfect home of love, where peace and rapture reign.United, never more to part, they share that heavenly rest,And raise a new and holier song, the anthem of the blest.