Poems (Hale)/The faded Flower

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4572042Poems — The faded FlowerMary Whitwell Hale

I gazed at morn. The tender flower
Bloomed brightly at that early hour;
And fair in nature's radiant bloom,
Wafted around its rich perfume.

I gazed when day's soft light had fled;
Decay and death their blight had shed:
The wind's rude blast had o'er it swept;
Nature her dewy tear-drops wept.

Life has such flowers, the fair, the bright,
All glowing with their tints of light:
To-day, they greet the gazer's eye,
To-morrow, drooping, dead, they lie.

Hope, like some flower of sunny hue,
Blooms but to fade in sadness too:
Fair as the light of heaven its beam,—
Then fled as morning's vanished dream.

Yet shall life's faded flowers assume
Fragrance more rich, and fairer bloom,
And in the diadem divine
As gems of priceless splendor shine.